Resep Masakan - Resep Mie Ayam


Materials - materials:

1 / 2 kg chicken noodles (ready to be purchased at

Chicken Oil 100 ml

100 ml soy sauce sauce

300 g cooked chicken meat and cut into the box

3 tablespoons sweet soy sauce

2 tablespoons soy sauce Britain

2 chopped leeks

Caisin, spices and fried onions to taste.

Spices are necessary:

3 cloves garlic

5 pieces of red onion

1 tsp Coriander

3 cm turmeric

3 cm ginger

4 cloves Tamarind

Materials to make the stock:

2 liters of water

kg chicken bones 1 / 2

1 teaspoon salt

1 / 2 teaspoon pepper


Broth: boiled water until boiling, put the chicken bones,
be cooked
over low heat until aromatic broth. Add
powder and salt.

Saute the blended ingredients until fragrant, put
chicken and fry until the ingredients are absorbed into the
chicken, add spices, stir-fry briefly, remove,

Enter the 2 tablespoons oil in a bowl of chicken, 1 / 4

Boil noodles and chopped caisin has until cooked,
and place in a bowl filled with spices,
chicken 2 tbsp.

Sprinkle with fried onions and scallions are


Key oil chicken noodle delicacy of chicken.

How to make: take the chicken skin and fat, heat
lower heat, add 2 cloves garlic
digeprak, heat up
all the oil out of the skin and chicken fat, oil
ready for use.

Resep Masakan Indonesia - Siomay



Tengiri mashed fish meat 500 gr

100 gr sago flour
Water 1 tsp ginger

1 / 2 teaspoon pepper

1 / 2 tsp powdered sugar
1 tsp sesame oil if desired

1 tbsp Ebi disangan and soaked (for easy software)
Salt to taste

How to Make:

Mix all ingredients, mix well and dull, and balutkan to find the remaining hard-boiled eggs round it off according to taste.

Shaomai steamed in a steamer until cooked, add the cabbage, if using a rolled-up and pare (can be filled with dumplings)

Peanut sauce:

250 g roasted peanuts
3 cloves garlic fries

4 red chillies seeded fried
1 tablespoon granulated sugar

1 / 2 teaspoon salt
400 ml boiled water

Limo orange soy sauce and taste.

Combine all ingredients with finely pulverized or until dibleder except soy sauce and orange limo.

Resep Kue - kue Pie

Cake ingredients:

• 50 grams of sugar, refined
• 125 gr Margarine
• 250 g Wheat Flour
Egg-yolk • 1 egg

Cake Ingredients:

• 80 g Sugar
• 75 gr Butter Cream
• 60 g Wheat Flour
• Milk Powder 15 gr
Egg Yolk-• 8 Grain


• Butter Cream is ready for use
• Date, Bela two

How to Make:

• Skin: Beat sugar and margarine until soft, put the egg yolks and beaten flat. After that, add the flour and stir well
• Enter the pie dough in the mold beroles margarine, stick a fork prick bottom with
• Cake: Beat eggs until fluffy dankuning sugar, flour and milk powder, mix well. Enter the butter and cream and stir well.
• Pour cake batter over the pie shell and bake in 170 C oven until cooked.
• Lift
• Add the cream butetr, attach a date, according to elera dengans ornamental. Serve.

Resep kue - Pudding Warna Spesial


• 400 cc of fresh milk
• 100 gr sugar paisr
• 2 sticks for
• 2 eggs
• Vanilla to taste


• To be soaked in cold water for 15 minutes, then cooked to shreds
• Add milk and sugar, stir stir
• Beat the egg yolks and add a little sugar to the mixture case, stirring gently. After that, enter the command that was entered with a filter.
• After you enter a new mixture into egg whites and mix well
• Give dyes according to taste
• Enter into a mold that has been dampened slightly with water
• Leave until firm then cut into pieces.
• Serve with your family

Mushroom casserole

Materials - materials:

2 tablespoons oil for sauteing
100 grams onion, finely made pickles
1 green bell pepper, cut into
200 grams of meat, cut into
3 tablespoons flour
200 ml broth
4 tomatoes, grated
1 tablespoon tomato paste
salt and pepper to taste
200 gram whole button mushrooms
300 grams small potatoes boiled, peeled
How to cook:

saute onion and peppers until fragrant and wilted.
Add meat. Hinggaberubah Stir flour color and enter.
Stir briefly and then pour the mix broth, tomatoes, tomato paste, salt and pepper. Mix well
After boiling add the mushrooms and potatoes. Stir briefly and then pour into pans that have margarine. Oven to penetrate bumbum

Sate Sumatra

Material - Material:

1 kg of chicken meat
1 coconuts, coconut milk is made
Satay sticks
Spices - spices:

Seeds 15 red chillies
6 onion seeds
1 teaspoon ground cumin
Sweet cumin 3 eggs
1 piece galangal
4 cloves garlic
6 eggs hazelnut
2 lime leaves
1 tablespoon ketumbargaram, ginger and turmeric leaves
How to cook:

Large cut of meat - large
All the spices finely crushed, except lime leaves and
turmeric leaves
Enter into a pot with coconut milk, as well as
meat and continue to cook until the salt water dry da
Then tusuklah with a skewer and burn it with
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