-150 Gram chocolate block
-Butter 150 grams
Material B, beating until:
Eggs five-point
-100 Gram sugar
TBM-1 tbsp
Ingredients C:
-150 Gram flour
30 grams of corn-
-Milk powder 30 grams
Baking powder 1 tsp-
-1 Teaspoon salt
Material D, the average mix and confused:
Banana / sunprise two sheets that have been cooked once (mashed)
3 tablespoons lemon juice
Esesnce bananas 2 tbsp
1. Material inputs to the C in B flat for stabbing ago
2. A material input again to mix well.
3. Then stir back to D average.
4. Enter a brass pole and covered with baking paper.
5. Steam for 20 minutes or until cooked.
6. Lift and Coll, brokus ready decorated.